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25 Nov to 1 Dec 2019

Millions of employees are living miserable and stressed lives because they feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with their workload.

This negatively affects their sleep, their personal lives and can result in serious long-term health damage and a shorter healthy life expectancy.

It also costs their employers billions of pounds due to absence and poor productivity.


An extensive amount of scientific research shows that when used properly music can improve productivity, decrease stress and make workplaces more enjoyable.

We want employers to  join the workplace transformation revolution by embracing the scientific research and championing music during

Music At Work Week in November 2019.





  • Post a photo of the activity on your social media channels during Nov 25 to Dec 1


  • Don't forget to include #MusicAtWorkWeek and your company name


Music produces powerful neurochemical responses in our brains. That's why it's so effective at making us feel good, happy, sad, motivated, energised or relaxed.

It also gives our brains a superb workout due to the multiple regions that it activates.

Music is particularly powerful during our youth when we spend so much of our time listening to it. These memories run deep and remain present throughout life and even in late stage dementia.

Consequently, playing music playlists through speakers in your workplace can have significant positive effects.

Music At Work Week - Tip 1

Think about what your're playing, where you're playing it and when. You don't need constant music blasting out everywhere all the time. Use music to greet your workforce in reception areas in the morning. Use it as background music in relaxed areas such as the kitchen during the day. Encourage workers to get involved in creating playlists to share the music they love. Most importantly use an appropriate volume and lots of linked speakers so everyone gets an equal experience.



We know that WORKLOAD is a serious problem today. It's the cause of most work related stress and sickness. Employees simply feel overloaded and unable to cope with a never ending snowstorm of tasks.

But to make matters worse they are placed in an environment that is proven to be the worst place to achieve focus and concentration - the open plan office.

Consequently many office workers now resort to using headphones and music in a desperate attempt to block out the torrent of interruptions and distractions.

But most people don't realise that what you listen to actually determines whether you are helping your brain or simply giving it new distractions.

Music At Work Week - Tip 2

For focus and productivity use noise cancelling headphones and choose simple music at a low volume. A background of slow, ambient sounds without a beat or vocals are likely to work best. If you no longer notice the music you've probably selected sounds that helped you enter a flow state. You are now fully immersed in your work and enjoying an improved productivity rate as you fly through tasks.



Learning a musical instrument (including your voice) boosts the efficiency and general health of your brain. It requires lots of different skills, movements, and sensory information processing, thus giving the brain an exceptional workout. Unlike exercise classes (whose effects fade if the activity ceases) once you have grasped the basics of an instrument you will have that skill for the rest of your life. It boosts brain function and helps us cope with stress.

These positive effects are visible at any age. But once we leave school few people have time to learn an instrument.

Music At Work Week - Tip 3

Invite tutors into your workplace and set aside a meeting room for instrument lessons once a week. A 12-week course is enough to reach a basic playing ability. Emphasize that brain health is boosted even at a low ability, so employees will benefit even if they don't reach the dizzy skill level of Jimi Hendrix. Just learning 3 basic chords will enable you to enjoy playing more than 50 hit songs.


Humans have been singing and dancing together since the dawn of time. Our ancestors used this unique ability to build strong and safe communities. They used melody and rhythm to communicate information before we invented language. We are designed to sing and dance together. It's a vital part of being human. That's why music triggers important brain responses. But somewhere along the way we've sadly become very self conscious of this unique human skill. Many people in adulthood rarely sing or dance in public (except at weddings!).

Well here are the facts: singing and dancing improves our heart health, our brain health, our lung health, our mental health and our physical health. It's a total workout and brings us together socially. So let's start filling our lives and workplaces with singing and dancing again.

Music At Work Week - Tip 4

Start a choir (or just a fun informal singing group) and get together weekly for a good old sing song. It doesn't even have to be in tune to reap the same health rewards. Just sing along to your favourite songs. Host the occasional silent disco, invite a local artist in to perform in your office at lunchtime or after work, start an office band, go to some gigs at local venues together. It's easy and fun.


Music At Work Week was launched in 2019 by Dr Julia Jones (aka Dr Rock). The aim is (i) to increase awareness regarding the health effects of music and (ii) to encourage employers to embed it in workplaces to enhance employee experience and wellbeing.

Music At Work Week is supported by

UK Music, the English National Opera, Sennheiser, Gibson and The Music Diet


For more information contact

Click here for information regarding the relevant PRS PPL music licence for your workplace

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